And Here We Go….

2016-12-28-17-25-10Happy New Year, folks.  2017 is upon us.  And wow 2016 was scattered with losses.  So many luminaries (it is going to be that way for a bit, I fear, as the Baby Boomer generation starts shuffling toward the Grey Havens) took us by surprise with their exit.  And then of course, the losses and changes I’m grieving and adjusting to.  I’m glad for the New Year.

Usually, I do a lot of introspection during this time of year as my birthday draws near.  And usually, I set my goals personally and professionally, write them down, even blog about them.  I’m doing a bit of that introspection but not at the level I have in the past.  Nothing elaborate or written down and not much beyond the next six to eight months.  Very little in the way of writing and writing business related goals.  Some musical goals and some professional goals at the office.  And just a lot of “stay the course” on things like diet and exercise, parenting and self care.

I’m also continuing my exploration of Eastern philosophy and amazed at how well aspects of it snug up with my twelve steps and my secular humanism.  I will likely expand that interest in the coming year.  And I suspect that at some point in the near future, I’ll write something.  No idea what or when.  But it will come.

Next week is Kenika (my birthday) and this Friday is my gig here in St Helens.  I’m hoping members of the tribe will come out and celebrate with me.  And next week, we also celebrate two years of me being PTSD-free from my most recent block.  Lots to be grateful for and to look forward to!




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