Howdy folks.
I’ve been really sporadic about updating the blog. And this is just a quick update because there’s been an uptick in the activity around my PTSD video, “Silence of the Chattering Head Monkeys.” I’m told the SGB for PTSD was featured on 60 Minutes. This is really encouraging. I’m confident that the block and changes in our understanding of psychology will eradicate what we call PTSD and C-PTSD. It takes a while for new treatment approaches and fresh understanding to hit the mainstream.
I’m planning an updated video soon that picks up from where the other video leaves off — Fall 2012. Expect a Part 2 and then a Part 3 that picks up post-block and the things I’ve learned.
I live symptom free most of the time and the few blips I’ve experienced were minor compared to the pre-block days. I live a balanced life. I’ve lost a bunch of weight. I sleep about an hour or two more per night. More importantly: I am having a wonderful life.
My last block was the dual injection in January 2015 that I wrote about at the two year mark.
And lots of folks have written to me between the blog posts and the video. I’ve been moved by your stories and have even met a few of you. Several have gone on to get the block and stayed in touch. Some of you have followed me over on Facebook and I want to encourage any of you who have gone in for the block to contact me there and consider joining the closed group I’ve been threatening to start for years: “Lipov’s Blockheads: A Community for Recipients of Dr Lipov’s SGB for PTSD.” It’s a place where we can check in, provide support, stay in touch. So if you’re interested friend me on FB with a note letting me know who you are and when you became a Blockhead or find the group.
And if you want to read into some of the things I’ve discovered post-block that have kept me grounded and well, check out some of the posts on my other site.
More coming. And for those hoping for a writing update: I’m working on the nonfiction project still but have a few fictiony things tickling at my brain. I’m building a good sized wood pile of ideas and I think something will jump up and bite me soon. Meanwhile, have you finished reading the Psalms of Isaak yet?
Trailer Boy out!
This blog Lipovs SGB for PTSD: Four and a Half Years and Going Strong helps me a lot with my woodworking projects.
I also use amazing woodworking plans from here: (or
clik on name) 😉 Kiss you all!