With everything else going on, I had forgotten that Marshal over at Journey Into…. had planned a holiday release of this story last year and wasn’t able to. So it’s dropped this year in that nice island between Christmas and New Year’s. These are the folks who also brought you “The Boy Who Could Bend and Fall,” “Of Metal Men and Scarlet Thread and Dancing with the Sunrise,” and commissioned me via Kickstarter to write “Evermore, I Told the Raven.” They always do great work.
This year, we get two audio versions of the tale and this one is narrated by author and all-around awesome human Tina Connolly (along with others including Marshal himself.) So you’ll want to give this a listen if you like that story.
I’m told that “The Doom of Love in Small Spaces,” which is also set in this world (and tells how Drum Farrelly met Mel’s Mom, Harmony in the basements of The Bureaucracy), will be forthcoming in 2017. And yes, Marshal, I have another installment planned for Simon Farrelly, her son.