Howdy and happy Monday, folks. It’s a perfectly gray and rainy day here in Saint Helens, Oregon.
I thought I’d take a little time to do some updating. First up, I’m just devastated over the attacks in France and am sending my very best thoughts and wishes of peace and healing to all of my friends over there. I really hope we can bring all of this violence to a close.
For events, I will be at Orycon this coming Friday and Saturday. I leave Saturday evening so see me early as you will. My schedule is right over here. The biggest new thing is that I’ve never done an actual show at Orycon. Only Imaginale in France and MisCon in Missoula. Everywhere else, it’s been room concerts by invitation only. But Friday night, at 8pm, you can hear me at Oyrcon. Check that schedule. This also means I will NOT be at Starbucks. My last gig there is the third Friday in December — my last gig of 2015 in general unless I do a stealth run up for some winter busking in Sumner near my friends at A Good Book Cafe.
I will also be at Powell’s Authorfest on Sunday afternoon, November 22. That’s a great opportunity to pick up copies of my books and getting them signed with a whole gang of other SF/F authors if you’re not attending Orycon. And while we’re talking about books, it means a great deal to me that my one little book with Jay, the near future METAtropolis: The Wings We Dare Aspire, is on the Endeavour Award ballot this year. Jay is up three times so I’m certain he will win and I’ve been asked by the family to represent him at the ceremony. If only I had a wig and Hawaaiian shirt. But hey…someone COULD make that happen and surprise me there.
But that book hasn’t gotten a lot love elsewhere. I was too ripped up by grief that whole summer to promote it much when it first came out. It hasn’t picked up many reviews that I am aware of. So if you love me and my pal Jay’s writing, and love SF set in the Pacific Northwest, and you don’t have a copy, why not go order one up and see if we can’t get that book some more love in the world? It’s wacky how little known it is despite being on the ballot.
In other news, life continues to be life. I’m getting through a horrible bug and juggling a lot of stress but I continue to make progress on the book and on my life. My physical this year showed my dietary changes and exercise have paid off with my blood sugar levels. And the book is tipping closely toward 90k words. I last most of last week to illness but I found good words yesterday and anticipate more later today.
Oh and I believe we’re talking about a Muse Management and Production in the Story Factory workshop in Saint Helens in January and in the Bay Area in March. Email your interest to workshops AT kenscholes DOT com. Robots need not apply.
That’s all that’s fit to print. Trailer Boy out. And back to bed.